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Enable Distribution Channels Faster with Znode’s B Stores

Znode recently released its B Stores module, enabling the middle “B” in B2B2X business models to quickly create and manage stores. This powerful new feature allows manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers to enable distribution channels to sell online. B Stores also allows  manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers to control product information, pricing, and more, including owning customer data. 


How Do B Stores Work?

Manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers – acting as master administrators – offer self-serve store setup whereby distribution channels can create and manage their own stores, including the product catalog, pricing, and store theme. This allows the manufacturer, supplier, or wholesaler to scale in supporting distribution channels. Instead of disintermediating distribution channels, this business model creates greater channel loyalty and sell-through. B Stores can power franchise stores, team stores, white label stores, and more, making it an adaptable ecommerce solution for any B2B2X business model.

B Stores Launch in the Promotional Products Category

PCNA, a leading promotional products supplier, recently launched Givee Givee Select – an all-in-one platform that revolutionizes the gifting process – powered by B Stores. Utilizing B Stores, distributors are able to select items from PCNA’s master catalog and launch a store for buyers to select and personalize gifts. This disruptive technology gives PCNA’s distributors a fast and easy way to serve buyers.

shop by logo

PCNA launched the new Givee Select platform at the 2024 2024 PPAI Expo Expo, creating a lot of buzz in the category. Trade show attendees were able to shop Givee Select’s trade show-specific store powered by Znode, utilizing the B Stores feature. Attendees could easily choose a gift, personalize it with their name using Artifi as the personalization engine, and have the gift shipped directly to their home address. The booth experience highlighted the seamless and efficient product customization experience facilitated by B Stores.

givee booth

B Stores is Powering the Future of Distribution Channel Growth

As manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, and distributors navigate the demands of digital enablement and sell-through, B Stores accelerates disruptive, self-serve channel enablement. As demonstrated by PCNA’s Givee Select, manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, and distributors are poised to grow digital sales with the power of B Stores.


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